Searches & Seizures
TIPSY TUESDAYS: Tip of the day: Always error on the side of caution (As Sexy as the officer may be..) when it comes to search and...
What's a 'No Contact Order?'
TIPSY TUESDAY: Most people do not fully understand the implications of being a party to a protective order. The most common...
Always ask to speak with your Attorney
TIPSY TUESDAY: Under Iowa Statute, suspects are entitled to confidential communication with legal counsel. It is always in one’s best...

Speaking to the Police
TIPSY TUESDAY: When police approach you, say as little as possible. Because 1) You will NOT talk your way out of this; 2) You probably...
Speaking to the Police: DON'T!
TIPSY TUESDAY – Police will lie to people in order to get them to say things against their own interests. The Iowa Supreme Court has...