Searches & Seizures
TIPSY TUESDAYS: Tip of the day: Always error on the side of caution (As Sexy as the officer may be..) when it comes to search and...
What's a 'No Contact Order?'
TIPSY TUESDAY: Most people do not fully understand the implications of being a party to a protective order. The most common...
Always ask to speak with your Attorney
TIPSY TUESDAY: Under Iowa Statute, suspects are entitled to confidential communication with legal counsel. It is always in one’s best...

Speaking to the Police
TIPSY TUESDAY: When police approach you, say as little as possible. Because 1) You will NOT talk your way out of this; 2) You probably...
Junk Mail?
It’s so easy to simply throw away what most of us think of as ”junk mail” because we don’t want to be bothered by it. This should not be...
Speaking to the Police: DON'T!
TIPSY TUESDAY – Police will lie to people in order to get them to say things against their own interests. The Iowa Supreme Court has...